Bobby Johnston 45 is here!
"This one is for you Allen!"
I know folks have been waiting for this one and it's the first 45 we have released where my Brother Allen was no longer involved :( It's a bittersweet moment.
We have implemented some changes in accordance with wishes expressed by our customers.
The biggest of these is the use of a large center "dink". The poll we carried out was pretty clear so to accomplish this we did a redesign of the label. We incorporated many elements of the original design for continuity but it is definitely a different look. See previous blog about the redesign.
Unfortunately this combined with the increasing cost associated with materials means we have had to increase out prices slightly to cover added manufacturing costs :(
Anyway the new 45 is here!
Bobby Johnston with two of his cool recordings. The self penned "Cajun Queen" is a rocker of the finest quality and we have coupled it with his version of "Flat Tire", a popular stroller.
Hope you enjoy this new 45 available in our store.